Friday, October 29, 2010
Just One More Ingredient....
Daaaaaaammmmmmnnnnn, Was that good! One little addition to an otherwise bleh snack made all the difference!
I just finished his entire snack pack. I better go get another one before he notices it missing....
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I'm all for changes to a look here and there, but an entire wardrobe change, which in my opinion, isn't all that great? The news reports are attributing this "new look" to the "Twilight Effect", but as much I'd like to agree, I gotta say this effect goes back to the reimagining of BSG. It was done so well, everyone seems to be apeing it.
I'm so glad "Earth One" will be just a graphic novel, and won't (hope!) have to see that "costume" replace the iconic costumes. They're iconic for a reason, folks.
Keep it casual!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My New Website!
After looking through several web hosting sites, I settled with I opted for the "Baby Croc" plan, which looks to be just enough for what I need.
At the moment, there isn't much to my site; just a link to this blog. It may take a while for me to flesh it out, considering that I haven't done anything web design related in almost a decade! I'm still catching up with all things beyond basic HTML, and I have about as much artistic web design skills as a brick.
As far as to what I plan to do with the site? Well, I always wanted to do things such as showcase items from my various collections, set up a collector forum, and wax poetic about my various hobbies. Who knows how far I'll get? All I know for now is that I'll work on it here and there (certainly a lot of it will be testing and fixing bugs!), and hopefully I'll enjoy the process of creating and developing it. So, on to this new journey!
Until then, keep it casual! :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
R.I.P. Mr. Bosley...
Rest in peace, Mr. Bosley. I hope you are now living even happier days.You were a great second dad.... :(
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Quote Of The Moment
- William Munny, "Unforgiven"
Although many regard the "Hell of a thing, killin' a man..." line from William Munny to be the better, more famous quote, and in truth it kinda is. But there's something about the quote I chose that really stands out.
We have a quiet, somber scene between two men; One a seasoned killer in William Munny, the other a self proclaimed one in the Schofield Kid. Over the course of the conversation, the Schofield Kid finally admits to having never killed anyone that he claimed he did. Of course, everyone (including the audience) knew this early on in the movie, and the Kid (and the audience) discovers that the real, actual act of killing a person is not as glamorous as told in stories (or in movies), but a disgusting, gut-wrenching thing to do.
William's "killed the hell outta that fella" line just suddenly comes out of left field during the middle of the Schofield Kid's monologue, it make's Munny's line so outragously funny and also provides a break of tension and depression to the Kid's admission of the reality to the act of murder. A very well placed line, and a great set up for another great line.
Until then, keep it casual!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I'm Such A "Basterd"!
I feel even more of a "basterd" for not watching it sooner...
Friday, October 1, 2010
Seeing Double! Triple! A Lot!

Yup, that's seven of the Marvel Universe Multiple Man action figure sets I found at a single Walmart store! I was about to pick up the entire lot, but a cooler head prevailed, and I put back three... ;) ;) ;)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Back In Tyria!
When it comes to the current crop of MMORPGs out there, I honestly believe GW has the best artwork and graphics going. It's neither "toony" nor "realistic", but "artistic". Even after five years online, I'm still sucked in by its beauty. From the deserts, jungles, urban sprawls, mountain ranges, blasted landscapes, deep undergound mines, and more, it really is concept art come to form.
Jeremy Soule is one kick-ass game composer. It's amazing how much work that guy has produced over the years. I first noticed this guy's music back from Total Annihiliation in the 90s, and I have been a follower ever since. In GW you're not only exposed to the standard, "stylized" western themes, but asian and middle-eastern themes as well. It's just so fucking good, that it's worthy to be purchased and listened to outside of the game (via his DirectSong site, BTW).
One thing I like about ArenaNet is the way they approach gameplay. They like thinking outside the convential norms of MMORPG gameplay. Skills? Not your standard MMORPG skill tree heircharchy for GW, that's for sure! There's even a whole meta following just on skill usage! Pets? OK, I consider the heroes in GW as pets, and ArenaNet put a new style to playing them. Grinding? When I play GW, I never consider the game a grind. It plays so well and fun, I really don't burn out as soon as other MMOs I've played.
OK, alright, you may be saying that I'm just gushing about this game. Well, shit, I am. After five years, it's still a great game! This is coming from a player who's never had a set of Obsidian Armor, LOL!
Now that Guild Wars 2 is coming soon, how do I feel about the sequel? I don't know. I love the continued use of concept art come to "life", not so sure about the shared universe (I kinda liked the instanced environements), and I still don't know what the gameplay is like (I'll have to find out more from the YouTube vids I see out there). But I place my trust with ArenaNet in coming up with a worthy sequel, and I look forward to entering and playing in the next era of Tyria.
Keep it casual!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Just Playing Around...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Holy Smokes!
Now, I don't mean to brag, but I know my way around a PC (I have built most all of my PCs, and haven't owned a store retail PC since 1989), and I knew exactly what had happened. My poor power supply had "gone belly up", "kicked the bucket", "deep sixed", "bought the farm", "flatlined", "given up the ghost", "bit the dust", "was 86ed", "checked out", "went kaput", or just simply died. Even though it was just the power supply, there was still an initial fear that went through me, considering the power supply is connected to many components and may possibly have "shorted" or "fried" components such as the motherboard, memory, CPU, video card, CD/DVD, or (most importantly to me!) the hard drives.
When I built my PC, I was actually building a second PC at the same time (to rip a Contact quote, "Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?") to be the "family" computer. It wasn't as powerful as mine, but it still had the same computer case (with the same power supply). So in my fear of wondering what else I may have lost, I began a power supply "transplant operation", using the second PC as the donor. It didn't take long to perform the operation, only the time between two commercial breaks, LOL!
So it was time to push the power button. Would I hear the familiar sounds of the fans start to spin? Would I get a sequence of beeps indicating a fried board, CPU, video, or memory? Would I receive a message indicating no bootable partition? Would I get any response at all?
Well, everything turned out fine. The components were OK, no corrupted OS, even the video that was processing was fine (it must have completed before the power loss). The only casualty is the now powerless family PC. It had donated its component to a worthy cause! Now I'll just have to find a replacement power supply before I start to hear it from the munchkins, LOL!
Keep it casual!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bizarro Summer Weather
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
"By The Power Of My Casual Interests!"
I actually had no real interest in MOTU (the animated series or the toylines) when it first came out in the 80s, and never really followed it when it came out in the 2000s. It wasn't until recently that I started noticing how well the recent MOTUC line of figures were turning out. I seriously considered purchasing the Count Marzo figure when it was released last month, but had passed. I have since regretted not getting it after seeing some vids of the fig on YouTube. So when the SDCC sets of Mo-Larr vs. Skeletor and Orko & Prince Adam were available at the beginning of this month, I took the chance and bought them. I have yet to free them from the packaging, but these guys are so friggin' sweet! (I may not free the Mo-Larr set; it's just so damn nice!)
My interest in TFA has now been (temporarily) shifted to MOTUC. I've been on the hunt for MOTUC, and with the find of decent-priced figs through the website I found this past weekend (sorry I won't name the website until I get the figs I ordered), I don't think I can no longer ignore the MOTU mythos. I'm really going to have to brush up on the lore, because outstide of He-Man and Skeletor and the occasional clips I've seen over the decades, I really know nothing about MOTU! Now I'll have to hunt for the DVDs of these shows too!
But all is not well with MOTUC. But I'll get to that a little later. Until then, keep it casual!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Transformers: Animated on DVD - Acts of Frustration!
I actually don't know much, if anything, on TFA. All I know at this point is that they look very cool, much better than any of the previous TFs I've seen so far (sorry if you've just heard the thousand screams of TF enthusiats out there!). I actually resorted to watching a few episodes of the show here and there on YouTube, just to get some semblance of the characters and storyline (also partly doing some research of what neat figs to get!). I thought the show was pretty neat enough to warrant purchasing the shows on DVD.
That's where my frustration with TFA begins. First off, the series was cancelled after three seasons, with only two seasons on DVD produced, and no announced plans for the third. The final season was shown over a year ago! What gives? Now, I'll have to resort going back to YouTube to watching the final season. Bummer...
OK, now on to the two seasons that were released. Yeah, I said, "were". Apparently, they're no longer in current production, so I just can't go to Target or Walmart and pick them up. And after doing some searching on Amazon, the season sets are going for $30-40 each! Frick! There's now way I'm paying that much for the sets!
So, I resort to some local shopping at the new and used music/video stores. Fortunately, the local shop here, (Dimple Records), has both season sets! Woot! Buuut, they're not located in the store where I was at, but at another store in another town. Grrrr. Dimple does offer to ship the sets to the store here, but it'll take a couple of weeks. Ok, I'll wait.....
Only a couple days later, I get a call from Dimple. They're here! Faster than I expected, that's always nice! I go over there the next day and purchase the used sets for only $15 and $17 each (much nicer than paying $80 total!). At least that's one good thing that's happened so far.
Last night, I sit down in bed, finally ready to begin watching TFA. I stick the disc in the player, and begin to watch the initial adventures. Something's not right. It just feels like I'm already in the middle of the story. I know the basics of these guys, but I'm just not properly introduced. OK, maybe I stuck in the wrong disc. Nope, Disc 1 of Season 1. So, I go to a wiki page to look up the episode titles for Season 1, and what do I find?
For whatever crappy reason, the first three episodes of the series, "Transform And Roll Out!" were not included in the Season 1 discs, but was sold as a separate set! WHAT THE FUCK?!? After doing more research, "Transform And Roll Out" was originally sold on a separate set, as a sort of preview of the coming season set a month later. OK that's fine. But why exclude those first episodes from the season set?!? Did some executive bozo think they were saving money becauseeveryone buying the season set had previously purchased the "preview" disc? Did they not think about people (like me!) who were not even aware of this "preview" set?
Oh, fuck it. I call Dimple, since I'm guessing this "Transform And Roll Out" DVD is probably no longer in production as well, and I'm not bothering to try spending any more time at the stores looking for it. Well, guess what? NONE of the Dimple stores have it! Arrrrgh! They do recommend looking for it on Amazon, which I was hesitant to do since I was afraid to know how marked up in price it might have been. It turns out, not by much (whew!).
Alright. I purchase the DVD through Amazon (and a cheap Leader Class Bulkhead fig I found too, in order to get the free shipping (yeah, I'm a cheapskate)), but it's still going to take a couple of weeks to get here. Uuuugh. I really want to start watching this show! I guess I could resort to watching bits and pieces of what I can find of "Transform And Rollout" on YouTube while waiting for the disc.
Damn, this is frustrating. At least the toys are cool...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Goody Haul Report: A Smaller One This Time
It is indeed a smaller goody haul, but still a nice one, especially with the store exclusives! Hey, didn't I say I was gonna stop with the hauls for a while? I guess not... LOL! Until next time, keep it casual!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Goody Haul Report: My Willpower Is Weeeeak...
Yeah, that's a lot of crap. Nice crap. Cool crap. OK, too much crap. I think I'll stop with the goody hauls for while. I hope. I think. Maybe. We'll see...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Goody Haul Report: San Diego Comic-Con Envy
Told ya it was huge! Hopefully this haul will last for a while. I don't think my wallet can take much more! Until next time, keep it casual!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Goody Haul Report: In-Betweeners
Transformers Generations Drift: When I first saw some pics of this guy online, I knew I had to have it. I kept searching, but couldn't find it. I finally found it at TRU yesterday and instantly scooped it up. I have a whole bunch of other figs I need to open and shoot video of before this one, but I just couldn't put this off and instantly opened him up when I got home. This guy is the shit! Love this guy. $12.
Transformers Hunt For The Decepticons Battle Blade Bumblebee: Yeah, there's tons of Bees already out there (I already have three), but after seeing some vids of this guy on YouTube, I had to get one. I really wanted a Bee with the face plate, and this has one that slides up and down. Cool! $12.
Marvel Universe Iron Man: This is the Series 2 Extremis Iron Man. He seems to shelf warm around here, but TRU had a buy 2 for $10 deal going for Iron Man 2, Marvel Universe, Star Wars, and G.I. Joe figs. So I picked this guy up (the best out of all the bad paint apps). $5.
Star Wars Clone Wars Captain Rex: The other half of the TRU deal, this is the newer set that includes the game parts. This set is actually for Munchkin No. 2, who wants more to play the game. $5.
Marvel Legends Hand Ninja vs. Dum Dum Dugan 2-Pack: I always meant to pick this set up, but for whatever reason, I either forget (it must be age), or I end up finding something else interesting. And after having MrMADGUS (yo, MAAAAD!) prompting me to get them, I made sure not to forget getting this one. Now I want more to army build with, LOL! $20.
That's it for now. My next report will most likely contain some TF Animated, LOL! Keep it casual!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Yet Another Banner To Take On The Hulk

OK, I may be a day or two late, but I just read that Ed Norton will not be reprising his role as Dr. Banner in any of the future Marvel films. Apparantly the creative scuffle that went on during the Incredible Hulk film soured the movie execs enough to look for someone else (It's been hinted they will make a replacement announcement during Comic-Con). What do I think about it?
Although I liked the Incredible Hulk movie, as well as Ed Norton's role in it, I say good choice, Marvel. I remember reading about Ed Norton's creative involvement in the making of the movie, which is cool. But when Norton wasn't given the credit he thought he deserved, he pretty much skipped out on promoting the movie when it was being released, which is not cool. To me, it looked as though Norton wasn't seeing the bigger picture: Laying the potential groundwork of creating an actual comic universe on film, which would've meant more films (and money!). Instead of trying to gain the glory up front, he should've sucked it in, taken one for the team, bit the bullet, whatever.
So I say, Norton threw his chance away. Downey Jr., Johansson, Jackson, Evans, and Hemsworth are stars who are "playing their part", and will be rewarded for it in the long run. Norton's a great actor, but a short-sighted one, and I won't miss seeing him when Banner next shows up on film.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Goody Haul Report: Tiny Pick-ups
Hey folks, this is just a small Goody Haul Report this time around. After the goodiness of both my last haul and my online orders (You can see the unboxings of my online pick-ups at my YouTube channel here), I've taken a small breather so I can catch up to the shooting of videos of my goodies, not to mention a break for my wallet! OK here's the goodies:
Spider-Man Fiercest Foes Power Charge Rhino: When I first heard about this line, I pretty much dismissed it, due to the what I heard about the poor articulation compared to Marvel Universe figures. I even saw and passed on the Rhino a few times. But then I saw the YouTube videos of the Rhino from both lunacy05 and HOOLIGANISM1982, which quickly changed my mind on the Rhino where I now had to get him. But damn, this guy just disappeared, nowhere to be found! But I finally found one at a K-Mart during my lunch break. Sweet! $8.
Iron Man 2 Titanium Man: At the same K-Mart, the 4" Iron Man 2 figures were on sale. I did a quick peek through the pegs, looking for the $5 coupon sticker to indicate wave 2 figs, and found a few! They had the classic IM (passed for now), Guardsman with bad paint (Boo! passed on these), and a couple of Titanium Man figs. Cool! $7.
Iron Man 2 Hall Of Armor Collection Mark IV: I latched onto the IM2 line pretty early (it was nice to find them a month early!), but interest dropped soon after (just too many other nice toys to pick up!). But I've had a resurgence of interest in all things Iron Man, and decided to try and find the Target Exclusive, Hall Of Armor Mark IV fig. I heard these were different than the single carded figs (paint was more accurate to the movie), not to mention the cool ARC reactor light-up stand. But after a few sightings at various Targets, I just couldn't find one that looked good. The majority of them had wonky leg bends, and bad paint. I did find one with good legs and meh paint, so I picked that one up. $13.
Iron Man Mark II: It seems TRU found a new batch of 6" IM figs from the first movie. I missed most of these when they first came out (I did pick up an Iron Monger back then), and now is my chance to catch up. Lots of folks in the YouTube community don't seem to like these much, but I think they're fine. I want to go back and get more. $11.
Iron Man 2 Concept Series 3-Pack: This is a nice set of 3 IM2 concept armors. I later found out that they are repaints of the first IM concept armors, but I don't care much, since they are still pretty neat (and I don't have any of the first concept armors). $24 (on sale from $30).
Transformers ROTF Brawn: I don't collect too many TF figs, but I was able to find this one on clearance. I hope to find a Lockdown on clearance too. $7.
Amazing Spider-Man Series Hobgoblin: I saved the best one for last. I was on my way home from work, and decided to drop by a Rite-Aid to get some ice cream. Going through the toy aisle, I found this figure stuck on the pegs! A very cool figure set which has been hanging on pegs for at least three or four years! He cost a bit more than original retail, but definitely cheaper than the current secondary market value! A definite treasure find, and an instant pick-up! $13.
Ok, that's it for now! Keep it casual!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Oooh, Shinies!
I was at a Big Lots this past weekend, paying for some backup batteries for my camera, when the lady at the register starts slamming a roll of pennies onto the edge of the counter (I never understood the slamming technique of opening a roll of coins. Isn't the roll just made of paper?). She hands me my change, and along with the dime and nickel was some shiny new pennies. I didn't take notice of them until I got home to unload my change into my coin shoebox, but the pennies are different!

I'm not into numismatics (an uncle tried to get me into it once, but comics stuck more), so I was totally unaware they had redeisned the penny. Apparently, there were four special pennies minted last year to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birth, and the penny I have in my possession began regular minting this year. I guess the old Lincoln Memorial penny has joined the "Wheatstalks" as a retired one-center. Nice knowing ye, Lincoln Memorial!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Goody Haul Report: Playing Catchup
OK, it's been almost a month since my last Goody Haul Report (Not including my special DCUC Wave 5 acquisition!), and I've got quite a large amount of goodies since then, so I've gathered my notes, and let's not waste any more time (I'll do it by store):
Big Lots
I like going through the closeout stores, 'cause I always end up finding some interesting things (and usually for cheap).
- Marvel Legends X3 Juggernaut: After getting the She-Hulk, I decided to go back and get Juggs. Unfortunately, he was no longer there. I had to nose around several more Big Lots before finding him. $7.
- Guitar Hero action figures: While looking for Juggs, I ran into the 5" Guitar Hero figures. I didn't even know these guys existed (and they looked interesting), so I decided to try one out with Axel Steel. They are pretty cool! I went back and got the rest; Lars Umlaut, Johnny Napalm, and God Of Rock. $3 each.
World's Best Comics
The last time I was here (Free Comic Book Day), I was able to find some Marvel Legends for really nice prices!
- Marvel Legends Series VI Wolverine: When looking for Wolvie figs, my first priority is always the brown suit version. I grew up with that version and the yellow never really stuck for me. This one was on sale for $20.
Empire Comics Vault
I found some nice action figures the last time I was here, so I decided to check it out again.
- Marvel Legends Spider-Woman: This one is the standard version from the MODOK series. Very nice sculpt from what I can see in the package. It doesn't look like she needs to eat a burger. $12.
- Marvel Legends Wasp: Another standard version from the MODOK series (I'm slowly on my way to getting this BAF!). Nothing too special about this other than being cheap. $10.
Toys R Us
I've found out that you can find the best stuff right when it opens. I usually get there during my lunch break an hour or so after opening, and I'll occasionally find a goody that a scalper may have left behind (or missed!).
- Iron Man Movie 6" Mark III: It looks like TRU refound a stock of 6" figs from the the first movie. I picked up this one since I missed it the last time. I may go back and get the Mark II (no signs of the Mark I). $11.
- DC Universe Classics Copperhead: It appears TRU has moved on from Wave 11, and Wave 12 is now hitting the shelves. $15.
- DC Universe Classics Desaad: This one is not necessary to complete the Darkseid C&C, but this just looks too cool to pass on. $15.
- Lex Luthor & Skeletor 2-pack: I'm not really into MOTU, and I just got this set for the Luthor. The Supergirl/Luthor 2-pack had already sold out online before I actively started looking for it (I should have nabbed it online when available, but Wave 5 had sucked out my goody budget!), and I didn't expect to find the Supergirl/Luthor set anymore, so I picked this up instead. I'm going to return it, however, because of the next entry. $30.
- Supergirl & Lex Luthor 2-pack: And on the next day at another TRU, yup, I found the Supergirl/Luthor set. But I bought this for a friend since they were looking for it as well as me already having the Skeletor/Luthor set. Buuuut, on a trip to another TRU that same day, I found a second Supergirl/Luthor set. Yipee! The Skeletor/Luthor is on its way back. $30.
- Cyborg Superman & Mongul 2-pack: At the same TRU where I found the second Supergirl/Luthor set, I also found this set. I don't have the original releases of these guys, so this was a natural pick up for me. $30.
Like the Toys R Us, I went to several Walmarts to find the following items:
- Iron Man 2 Movie 6" War Machine: Interesting story on this one. I've been hunting for these for a while, but always see empty pegs. This time the pegs weren't even there! Damn! I may have missed it completely. I moved on to look for some Monster Jam trucks for my son, and on an corner cap in the TOY CAR section was a small set of Iron Man 2 6" figs! All of the Mark VIs had bad paint jobs, so that sucked. but on the bottom pegs were two War Machines! I grabbed both, one for me, and another for a friend. $13.
- Iron Man 2 Movie 6" Mark VIs: At another Walmart, and again, in the non-action figure aisle (keep your eyes open when looking for these, folks!), were the Iron Man 2 6" figs! The paint on the Mark VIs were not much better, so I grabbed two of the best they had. $13.
- DC Universe Classics Beast Boy: At the first Walmart, I found a small clearance section in the board game section. Among the clearance items were DCUC Wave 10 figs. Amongst the countless Power Girls, I was able to find one Beast Boy! Woohoo! $8.
- DC Universe Classics Robotman: Don't know much about the Doom Patrol, but I might as well pick up Robotman for cheap. $8.
- DC Universe Classics Forager: Picked him up for my Oddball League. He'll be my first "hero" (or at least he died as one!) in the group. $8.
- Marvel Universe Black Widow: The couple of times I saw this figure, she looked horrible. I think it was the hair. But this one I picked up looks much better (did Hasbro revise her?). $8.
Again, lots of visits to numerous Targets over the past month:
- DC Universe Classics Eclipso: With Target's recent sale of DCUC, I've been able to complete Wave 12 (woohoo! Darkseid!). And Target has finally come out of the DCUC Stone Age and stocked Wave 12 (I guess they skipped Wave 11 entirely). Eclipso will be another addition to the Oddball League's ranks. $11.
- DC Universe Iron: Another Wave 12 find at Target. Is this the first DCUC Metal Men fig? I can't remember.... $11.
- Batter-Up SpongeBob: Yeah! New SpongeBob plushes! This plush is baseball themed. He even has a fielder's glove! $6.
- The Masked Sponge: Cool, SpongeBob in another superhero get-up! $6.
- Halo 3 figures: I don't play Halo, but I've been eyeing these figs for a while, and finally bit. Or make that bite. Chomp. Devour. I'll just list all that I got in this one entry: Halo 2 Master Chief, Brute Captain in VISR mode, Spartan Soldier Mark V, Oni Operative Dare (helmeted), Spartan Soldier Mark IV, and Ripa 'Moramee Arbiter. Whew! I'm still a Gearhead, but these Halo figs are cool. I can collect both series! $11 each.
With the Halo fig collecting in high gear, I checked out Gamestop for the exclusive fig.
- Halo 3 Oni Operative Dare: This is the exclusive, basically the same as the regular Dare, but with a different head (unhelmeted). $11.
- Halo 3 Ripa 'Moramee Arbiter: I think I'll be army building this guy. He's all kinds of cool. $11.
Okee dokes, that's it! This must've been my longest Goody Haul Report yet! That's what I get when holding off for a month! Until then, keep it casual!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
DCUC Wave 5 Is Mine!!!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Karate Kid: Hollywood Cashing In On A Name
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Returning To The Lands Of Norrath
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Goody Haul Report: The Comics
Booster Gold (original): 8, 11-20
Booster Gold (current): 7, 8, 11-15
Nightwing: 3-5, 7, 9, 12, 13
Justice Society Of America (current): 10-13, 16, 27-29, 31, 32
Uncanny X-Men (original): 196, 197
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Goody Haul Report: Figs, Figs, Figs
Friday, May 21, 2010
My Lost Series Rewatch Is Back On Track
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Goody Haul Report: Taking A Chance Online
Friday, May 14, 2010
What A Depressing Start To The Weekend....
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Maybe They Should Rethink Their Faction Name?!?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Goody Haul Report: The Calm After The Storm
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
ZombieSat May Ruin My Lost Finale!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Lost Finale Has Been Extended!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Goody Haul Report Part 3: The Rest Of The Stuff
- Legacy Collection Luke Skywalker: This is the figure where Luke turns himself in to Darth Vader on Endor. I saw this figure on YouTube before, and I always wanted to get him for the interchangeable tunic plate and scale (well, he is supposed to be a little too short to be a stormtrooper!).
- Jacen Solo: I don't know much about the Star Wars EU, but I read this line was just coming out, and this was a figure to look out for, so I got him when I saw him.
- Jaina Solo: To see one of the twins was nice, to see the other twin at the same time was nicer! I picked her up too.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Goody Haul Report Part 2: The Action Figures
- DCUC Green Parademon: I found a second parademon to add to the (tiny) ranks of my Apokoliptic(?) army. This one cost the normal(eek!) $15.
- Public Enemies Superman (wave 1): I was worried I would not be able to find this guy, since Target seems to be clearing out the PE line now in my area. He was clearanced down to around $9.
- Public Enemies Icicle: Not really interested in this one, except for the Brimstone leg. $9.
- Public Enemies Silver Banshee: Another fig purchased for the CnC part, although it is nice to get this and Icicle to fill my villain ranks. $9.
- DCUC Green Lantern: I found this WGSH version at another Target. I foresaw no chance of picking up the wave 3 version any time soon (at a cheap price!), so I had to pick this one up. $15.
- DCUC Steppenwolf (Super Powers): I came back to pick up this guy after my wave 11 find almost a month ago. No Kirby version, but the SP version was still here. I have to admit, this SP version looks waaaaay better in person than what I've seen in the pics. $15.
I didn't pick up anything at Walmart, but I did see a beat up box of one of the DCUC exclusive 2-packs, the Aquaman and Black (Blue?) Manta. The repaint on these guys just didn't look good (at least to me). Aquaman had this pasty tan going on (almost matching his hair color!), and was decked out in a gold tunic with verrry glossy, christmas green leggings. Black Manta wasn't black, but a flat, purpleish blue. Sorry, I just had to pass on this, really disappointing.
- Marvel Legends Bullseye (Variant): As far as I could tell, the action figures weren't discounted for Free Comic Book Day (the fill-in guy couldn't tell me), but the figs I bought here were reduced in price. This one was marked down to $7.
- Marvel Legends Professor X: This guy looks like he's wearing lipstick, but for $7, I'm not gonna complain too much, especially when I never expected to get one step closer to actually building Galactus (only half way now).
- Marvel Legends Scarlet Witch: What's up with action figure designers and female figures? SW looks like she needs to eat a burger, something, anything! Meh, still a steal for only $5.
- DCUC Kid Flash: I can finally complete my Atom Smasher! I've been hesitant to pick up KF mainly because of the two right forearms and the higher price he goes for now. But since he was discounted 20% for Free Comic Book Day (and I need that AS arm!), I picked him up. $13.
- Marvel Legends Longshot: I remember Lucky Mullet-Head from the great Art Adams mini-series, and at a 35% discount, picked him up cheap! $7.
- DCUC Green Arrow: Since he came with only a stand for wave 9, I didn't really care if I picked up the wave 9 or WGSH version. They had the WGSH here, so I picked him up. $13.
- SOTA Street Fighter Gen: With the lack of news from NECA on SFIV, I decided to stick to just collecting SOTA SF figs instead. I saw this purple-clad Gen at a great price (compared to what I've seen online!). $9.
- DCUC Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond): This is another fig where I didn't expect much hope in getting the original version, so I picked up the WGSH version. $11.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Goody Haul Report: Free Comic Book Day and a Huuuuge Haul!
Continuum #1
Countdown Special: The Flash #1
DC Kids - Free Comic Book Day
Doctor Solar/Magnus - Free Comic Book Day
Fantastic 4 #563
Green Lantern Corps #35
Mouse Guard/Fraggle Rock - Free Comic Book Day
Freakshow #1
G.I. Joe (IDW) #155.5 - Free Comic Book Day
Iron Man/Nova - Free Comic Book Day
Secret Invasion: Requiem #1
Shrek/The Penguins Of Madagascar - Free Comic Book Day
Sonic The Hedgehog - Free Comic Book Day
Toy Story - Free Comic Book Day
Ultimates 2 #13
War Of The Supermen #0 - Free Comic Book Day
Wednesday Comics #1
Astonishing X-Men #10
Yow! - Free Comic Book Day
Booster Gold (original): 6, 7
Booster Gold (current): 2-6, 27-31
Guardians Of The Galaxy: 1-6, 11
JSA All-Stars (current): 4
Justice Society Of America (current): 9, 17-22, 24-26, 33, 36, 38 (25 and below were all the Ross covers)
Justice Society Of America Annual: 1
Nightwing: 2
Outsiders (current): 29
X-Factor (original): 4, 8, 9, 11-16
X-Force (current): 26
X-Men: Second Coming: 1
Uncanny X-Men (original): 198, 207
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Goody Haul Report: Small Finds This Time
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
C'mon, Target! Promote Your Stuff Better!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Goody Haul Report: Fortune Favors the Bol- Err.. Lucky!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My 100th YouTube Video...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Flashforward: Is He OK?
Friday, April 16, 2010
24: Setting Up For An Epic Final Hour!
The Achilles' Heel Of Figs: The Heel!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Goody Haul Report: Shopping On The Interwebs
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Another Goody Haul Already?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Goody Haul Report
Well, that's it for now. I'll try to post more in the future (if I get more goodies that is).
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
NECA, I Love You and I Hate You