I just read on Yahoo! that the Lost Finale has been extended by half an hour! According to the site, the airing will extended beyond the 11pm hour, so set your recorders to compensate! I have my DVR set to record by show title (with 5 minutes extra slotted before and after the show) instead of by date/time, so hopefully my cable company will have the updated end time. I'll be checking just in case...
It was weird reading this news, because being the Lost fanatic that I am, I have NOT seen a single episode of the final season! Yup, not a single one! Please, let me explain before you come to my door with torches and pitchforks!
I was on track with my Lost series rewatch back in January. I even had the episodes lined up and timed to the Season 6 premiere! But then I was distracted with the return of my action figure itch and my new interest in YouTube videos. Alas, my Lost rewatch schedule was eventually screwed! One week later, the premiere had passed by, then another. Finally, I decided to just keep my DVR recordings until the last episode aired.
I've been also "covering" my eyes and ears to any Lost related news to prevent from being spoiled, which hasn't been easy, with friends and family who are also Lost fans. Just today, Munchkin No. 1, who has an Entertainment Weekly subscription from Grandpa, showed me an issue with Locke on the cover! Noooooo! I think she was teasing me... It was also a pain to read the Yahoo! new snippet, covering my monitor with my hands to slowly read line by line without having to reveal details! Arrrrgh!
Anyways, make sure your recorders are at the ready when the big night arrives! I'm sure it will be an event in the making!
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