During my lunch breaks from work, I like to hit the mass retailer stores in the area to check out the latest (or pegwarming) stuff in the toy aisles. Today, I was at a Target headed towards the action figure section, when I passed an endcap and I had this odd feeling where something just wasn't right (spider-sense, maybe?). I actually took a few steps back towards the endcap to discover this:

Did you see it? Yup, those are Public Enemies figs mixed in there with an entire endcap devoted to gaming and collectible cards! At first I thought it was either a clearance shelf, or someone had changed their mind about buying a PE fig and just dropped the fig off, but as I inspected the figs and shelf more, I found out the Target employees purposefully put these figs there! Just take a look at the shelf tag:

Now we in the action figure community have pretty much all agreed that Target has done a crappy job in promoting the Public Enemies line (their own exclusive line at that!), not to mention the lack of wave 2 distribution. But sticking PE figs with a bunch of Pokemon and MTG cards won't help sell these guys better! Or is it marketing genius? Nahhhhhh!
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