Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Karate Kid: Hollywood Cashing In On A Name

Ever since I heard that Hollywood was going to remake the movie "The Karate Kid", I let out a befuddled groan, knowing that they were just going to be cashing in on an 80s classic. I pretty much dismissed myself of this new version of the film, and have not followed up on anything regarding its production.

Just today, I read a news blurb that the new "The Karate Kid" was the No. 1 movie this weekend, and is the "new surprise of the summer". Interested by this news and quote, I decided to look up some info on this movie. After some research online, I am more confident than before that this is a Hollywood cash-in.

Why the fucking hell is this new movie not called "The Kung Fu Kid"?!?!? The damn story in this "remake" involves a single mom taking her kid to BEIJING, because of the work (like the first movie). The kid is picked on (as in the original), runs into an elderly maintenance man (again the same) who is CHINESE, and teaches the kid KUNG-FU. The kid eventually enters a KUNG-FU tournament, where I'm guessing (I dunno, I haven't seen it) he wins the tournament and the girl (No Elizabeth Shue, grrr). Where the shit is the damn "karate" anywhere in this new version of the movie? Oh, right, IN THE FUCKING TITLE!


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