Back before the start of Lost's final season, I was on schedule with my Lost Series Rewatch. I had all of the episodes on DVD from S1 to S5 lined up so that the S5 finale would be watched just prior to the S6 premiere. I got as far as "Jughead", just a week's worth of episode watching, before I was distracted with a thing called YouTube.
Since being "derailed", I have DVR'ed every S6 Lost special and episode, and have not seen a single one. I've tried to avoid any kind of episode detail or spoiler (which has been a major feat to accomplish!), and now the series finale (it's weird saying "series finale" instead of "season finale") is upon us in just a couple of days (ZombieSat, stay away!).
Knowing that this event is coming ever closer, I've put off a chunk of my time on YouTube (I recorded a larger than normal bunch of vids in advance, hehe), and reignited my Lost Series rewatch a couple of days ago. I definitely didn't start from S1 (Although, I always love watching "Walkabout", the BEST episode ever!), that would be a bit too much (I will do entire series rerewatch when the S6 DVD comes out!). I just started where I left off, and I'm currently on "Whatever Happened, Happened". Damn, I forgot how good this show is!
Even with my rewatch back on track, I'm doubting there's any way for me to catch up and be able to watch the finale live. To do that, I'll have to watch 24 episodes in 3 days. I'll give it a shot, so here's hoping I'll be watching the event with you all!
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