We have figure #4 from the Wave 6 DC Universe Classics line, Superman! This one is the variant version of the figure, 90's Supes in the red and blue.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Caught Hook, Line, And Sinker
My internal debate is over. The lowered prices from the Walmarts and Targets in my area had made the decision for me. I've gone ahead and taken the plunge to start collecting the G.I. Joe Rise Of Cobra figures. The figures are too cool to pass up at the lower prices. The funny thing is, the prices at the Walmarts and Targets don't seem to be consistent amongst their own stores.
Here's what I've acquired so far:
The figs I bought for $7 I only got because I couldn't find them anywhere else. I plan to hit the $3 Walmarts and $4 Targets later today to gather up more of the figs that seem to be flooding all the stores (Paris Shadow and Neo-Vipers anyone?), but my main priority right now is to get the earlier released and harder to find figs. What sucks is the harder to find figs I've seen so far are only at the KMart for $7 (such as Shipwreck, Zartan, and Deep Six).
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Kooky But Cool, Killer Moth!
Before opening the package, I had zero interest in this guy, but after taking Killer Moth out of the packaging, he's the coolest figure yet! Take a Casual Peek Into the Killer Moth!
Captain's Log: My New Command
Captain's log, Supplemental: It has been several weeks since the initial borg attack and after I took command of the light cruiser USS Tempest. Admiral Quinn, who has been monitoring my progress, just sent me a subspace message to congratulate me on my new promotion to Lieutenant Commander. He also informed me that I am ready for a new command. He has given me the choice amongst three new starships, each a better vessel for my new role within Starfleet than the Tempest can currently serve.
Each of the available starships serves a different role within Starfleet. Cruisers are the main ships of the Federation, providing a variety of functions. Escorts provide the security and defense needed to keep Starfleet safe. Science Vessels provide scientific and exploration functions in our sector of the galaxy. After much debate, I informed Admiral Quinn that I would like to command an escort in order to provide assistance with our current war with the Klingons.
I will miss the brief time I was in command of the Tempest. It was my first command, and it will never be forgotten. With the news of the Tempest's decomissioning, I have requested that my new starship be named the USS Tempest in honor of the fine tradition and service the light cruiser had performed for the Federation.
With the new Tempest, we are undergoing a brief shakedown cruise within the Sirius Sector Block to become better acclimated to the escort's capabilities. Thus far, she's has proven to be a tough little fighter, more agile and possessing more firepower than the older Tempest. I am confident this new Tempest will perform well against the Klingons.
We are now headed towards the Neutral Zone to help defend our side of the border. The Klingons have intensified the conflict, and I'm hoping that with the Tempest, I can provide the strength of arm needed to drive back the Klingons and defend Starfleet against all aggression.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A Casual Peek Into Hawkman
Continuing my look into the wave 6 figures from DC Universe Classics, Here's a post on figure #2, Hawkman.
World's First Million Dollar Comic
I just read online that a comic book was just actioned off for the price of a cool one million dollars. The comic? Was it Spoof #1? Of couse not, silly. It was Action Comics #1, the first appearance of the world's best known superhero, Superman.
I guess the only thing I have to ask is, why has it taken this long before AC #1reached the one million dollar price? There are only about 100 copies known to exist, and even less that many in high grade condition. I thought this comic would have reached a million (or tens of millions) much sooner.
Another thing, I hope this news doesn't drive the wild madness of the 90's, ushering in another speculator market. I believe it was during this time the comics industry was almost killed, and I don't want to see this happen again. Believe me, it wasn't pretty.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Mr. Miracle Escapes From His Packaging!
Hey all, now that I have all of my required parts to build my Kalibak figure, I'm going to post videos of each of the figures I have from DC Universe Classics Wave 6. I'll try to post one video a day of each figure, followed by Kalibak, and then some of my impressions on the wave.
First up, we have the escape artist from Apokolips, Mr. Miracle.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Iron Man 2 Movie Series Iron Man Mark II
Hey all, I just posted another "Casual Peek Into" video on YouTube, this one is a peek at the second version of the Iron Man action figure from the movies, Mark II:
Saturday, February 20, 2010
He's Got You In His Sights...
I just posted a Casual Peek Into video on YouTube, this one on the DC Universe Classics action figure, Deadshot.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Woohoo! My First Collect And Connect!
I"m pretty excited!I just got the final piece for my first Collect And Connect figure from DC Universe Classics! Kalibak may not be the biggest Collect And Connect figure, but he will be my first. DC Universe Classics are not easy to come by around here (especially the older waves), so I was extremely surprised to find the Superman figure from wave 6 at a Target earlier today (it was the only wave 6 figure on the shelf). I was really wanting a Recovery Suit Supes instead of the Mullet one I got, but what the heck, I shouldn't be complaining at this point.
All of my wave 6 figs are still in the package, so I won't be assembling Kalibak for a while yet until I create review videos of the wave 6 figs. So stay tuned for the YouTube videos.
Yipee! I feel like it's an early Christmas!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
"We're iron mongers. We make weapons."
Another late night post, I just posted my "Casual Peek Into" the Iron Monger figure from the first Iron Man Movie Series. See why this is a better figure now than when it was first released:
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Asleep At The Wheel Or.....
I was driving to work this morning and I was waiting at the traffic light. The light turned green and I began to continue on my way when I heard a short, abrupt beep of a car horn towards my left, coming from the left turn lane. The normal thing I would think of when hearing those short beeps is that a driver in front of the person doing the honking has been distracted to not notice the traffic light turn green. It's either a person on a cell phone, doing their makeup, eating, whatever.
As I continued on my way, I looked at the side mirror, being the curious "Looky Lou" to see what this distracted person was doing. This "distracted" person had her head back in her chair, her eyes closed, and her mouth wide open. I literally laughed aloud to think this driver who was so tired, she actually fell asleep while waiting at the light! But then a dreadful thought entered my mind....
Instead of being asleep at the wheel, could she have actually died while waiting at the light?!? Yeah, it's a morbid thought, but as I continued looking through the mirror, I noticed the car with the "sleeping" driver was not moving, and the blaring of more car horns were simply not waking this driver from her slumber.
I was tempted to actually turn around to see if this person had actually expired, but I had to get to work, and just dismissed the thought that she passed on, and optimistically thought that she was just knocked out from a wild and crazy night before. But now that I'm here at work, I'm thinking I should have turned around. What a way to go, waiting at a traffic light...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Dark Knight Movie Masters The Joker
You didn't think I would just post a YouTube review of Batman without his best pal The Joker, now didya? Well, here he is, The Agent Of Chaos, The Clown Prince Of Crime, The Joooookerrrrr!
Back To Joes?
Since coming back to action figure collecting, I've been having a fun time collecting superhero figures. But there's another genre of figures I'm beginning to have an interest in: G.I. Joe, specifically the Rise Of Cobra series. If I start collecting these figures, this will be my FOURTH foray into Joes. Yeah, I've got quite a history with these guys:

I guess the only question in my mind right now, is if I can fit the ROC figures into my current action figure hobby. The ROC line will be transitioning into another phase ("Pursuit Of Cobra") sometime this year, so I may miss out on the current figures if I don't start now. But, I'm doing quite a bit of catching up on the superhero figures at the moment, and adding a ROC collection to the lineup will include more time and money into the hobby, which I'm lacking in both right now. What to do?
Monday, February 15, 2010
Late Night Video Post: Movie Masters Batman
Just finished another video peek after dinner tonight. This one is my casual peek into the The Dark Knight Movie Masters Batman action figure:
Casually Peeking Into The Blob & Sabertooth 2-Pack
I was able to find this X-Men Origins Wolverine Comic Series Blob & Sabertooth 2-pack figure set at Walmart during lunch today. Take a peek at my review of the set:
Friday, February 12, 2010
Iron Man 2 Movie Series Iron Man Mark III
My Casual Peek Into Iron Man 2 Movie Series Iron Mark III action figure is now up on YouTube. Take a peek!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
My Casual Peek Into "Soldier Of Love"
I just finished listening to it, and I posted some quick thoughts on Sade's new album, "Soldier Of Love". Please Sade, don't wait another ten years before releasing another album!
DC Universe Classics Booster Gold
Take a "Casual Peek Into" another of my YouTube videos, this time I take peek into Booster Gold, the Figure #4 in Wave 7 of DC Universe Classics action figures:
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Abomination Vs. Hulkbuster
I posted a new review on YouTube today, this one is a "Casual Peek Into..." Abomination Vs. Hulkbuster, an action figure set from the Incredible Hulk movie series from a couple years back. This was clearanced down to $5 recently. Have fun!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
DCUC Wave 14: A Walmart Exclusive
I've been reading on the interwebs that it was recently announced that Wave 14 of the DC Universe Classics line will be a Walmart exclusive wave. Considering that I can only find wave 10 and older at the Walmarts in my location, I'm not expecting to see any of the figures from the wave anytime soon. While I'm waiting for them to show up (probably not until at least this summer or later), I thought I'd share my thoughts on each of the figures in wave 14:
Ok, those are my quick thoughts on wave 14 of DC Universe Classics. Again I don't expect to see these guys in the store anytime soon, but if I do, I'll have a general idea of which ones to pick up.
Sade's New Album Releases Today

I just bought the album during lunch today, but I've yet to listen to it. If the earlier released single is any indication, it will be a very good listen. I just love Sade's sultry vocals.
Monday, February 8, 2010
A New Review of the Blue Beetle
I just posted another "Casual Peek Into..." video on YouTube, this time on the Ted Kord version of the Blue Beetle! Take a peek...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A Casual Peek Into Iron Man Mark I
Here's a video of another figure from the Iron Man 2 series of action figures, Iron Man Mark I:
Friday, February 5, 2010
A Couple Of New YouTube Videos
Hey folks, I posted a couple of more videos on YouTube, the first one is a look at the contents of the Collector's Edition of Star Trek Online, which I purchased earlier this week. The next video is a peek at America's hero, Captain America, from the Marvel Universe action figure line.
Action Figures,
Marvel Universe,
PC Gaming,
Star Trek Online
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Beginning Of The End...
Lost's final season is about to begin.... I won't be watching it live tonight as I have real world stuff to do (don't you just hate that?). I've got it DVR'ed, however, so I'm avoiding any spoilers. LALALALALA (fingers in my ears)!!!
New Iron Man 2 Action Figures
I found the new Iron Man 2 action figures based on the upcoming movie at a TRU today. I posted a video on YouTube on one of the figures, Crimson Dynamo. Enjoy!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Dr. Fate Review Up On YouTube
I just posted my newest review, my DC Universe Classics Dr. Fate. Enjoy!
I Hate F*@!#'n Thieves!
I'm just getting back to action figure collecting, so I'm playing "catch up" with acquiring figs, and I'm more than happy if I can find a fig from an older wave at the store. I was at a Walmart yesterday, and I happened upon a DC Universe Classics Mr. Miracle, which was nice. I picked him up and was about to put him in the shopping cart when I noticed something infuriating. Do you notice anything wrong with it?:

Yup, Mr. Miracle's Collect And Connect piece, Kalibak's leg, was missing! At first, I thought it may have been a packing error, and I sadly put the figure back on the shelf. I went through the pegs to look for another figure when I noticed that all of the older wave figures had the same issue with missing Collect And Connect pieces:

I inspected the packaging on these figures, and I noticed that the bottom of each of the backing cards were taped up. Can you believe this shit?! Some asswipe bought these figures, removed the Collect And Connect Pieces, and returned them to Walmart. Damn, I hate thieves....
At least all was not lost however. I went to a Target, and found another Mr. Miracle for only $12, cheaper than Walmart!
Action Figures,
DC Universe Classics,
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