After browsing through my FLGS, I came upon the Warmachine and Hordes line by Privateer Press. I believe I've seen these before, but I had always walked past them without even a glance. I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at them in more detail. These figures are fantastically sculpted compared to GW's line of figures! I was instantly hooked, but knew nothing about them.
After doing a bit of research on the 'net, I discovered that Warmachine was in the process of a revision and Hordes would be undergoing one pretty soon. Even though many recommended waiting on purchasing the rulebooks (the new versions were already online or would be soon), I still wanted to get all of the books since the lore is really good and the artwork is excellent.
Anyways, after looking through the all the factions, it looks like I'll be starting armies for Skorne, Cryx, and Cygnar, with Skorne being the first. I bought a few warlocks, a warbeast, and a unit or two. I like the Skorne color scheme, but I think I'll be reversing the black and red color schemes. As a test, I painted a Paingiver in the modified colors:

I think the colors turned out alright, so I'll stick to this color scheme. My next painting subject will be my first Skorne warlork, Lord Tyrant Hexeris:

Up to this point, I've never had the need to use Greenstuff, but in Hexeris' case, the socket for his weapon-wielding arm was just too deep for the superglue to bond.

I think I've applied the greenstuff OK, and it seems to have stuck well. Now it's on to painting the guy.
Wow, it's been almost three years since my last post...
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